Lube Tube NatureLUBE TUBE NATURE 富含豐富的藻類提前物
Lube Tube Nature is a water-based lubricant formulated with natural actives and vegetal base, odorless and long-lasting effect that helps to increase the pleasure and intimacy of both men and women. Contains Sodium Alginate which stimulates the sking regeneration.
• Water-based, long lasting and easy to clean• Safe for use with latex condoms• Expiry date: 3 year, keep 6 month after opening• Made in Portugal
3. 平衡PH值,不破壞女性私處環境
4. 水溶性,易清洗
5. 無色無味,不含油脂,不含殺精成分
6. 貼近女性愛液,溫和不刺激