Lube Tube HOT Warming sensation 熱感水溶性潤滑液
Lube Tube Hot is a water based, odorless, long-lastinglubricant that helps to increase the pleasure and intimacyby creating a gentle warming effect for both men andwomen. Lube Tube is not sticky and easy to clean up andwash-out.
• Water-based, long lasting and easy to clean• Warming effect• Safe for use with latex condoms• Expiry date: 3 year, keep 6 month after opening• Made in Portugal
1. 含有香蘭基丁醚,能快速產生溫和持久的熱原效應,包括加快微循環,刺激皮下脂肪代謝,促進毛細管血液迴圈
2. 在潤滑油中增加“加熱”,除了潤滑作用外,還能一定程度上激發性欲
3. 水溶性,易清洗
4. 無色無味,不含油脂,不含殺精成分
5. 貼近女性愛液,溫和不刺激