Lube Tube Cotton Candy
Lube Tube is a kissable water based lubricant with scent and flavor. Long-lasting lubricant effect that helps to increase thepleasure and intimacy. It is also perfect for oral sex. Lube Tube is easy to clean up and wash-out and not sticky.
• Water-based, long lasting and easy to clean• Latex condom friendly• Safe to ingest• Expiry date: 3 year, keep 6 month after opening• Made in Portugal
1. 清甜淡香的果味,包含有草莓味,糖果味,還有巧克力味,舌尖上的愛撫加上香味的感官刺激,讓你欲罷不能
2. 水溶性基底潤滑,長效潤滑,不黏膩,清爽潤滑,可免洗
3. 無色無味,不含油脂,不含殺精成分